As you explore hockey in the Duluth area, there are various details that would be helpful to know about hockey. One of the first details is understanding both the age and skill related to the different hockey divisions. At Glen Avon, kids are allowed to play and develop their skills and advance into the different divisions.
The Glen Avon Hockey League is split into divisions based on: Age and Skill. These divisions are listed and provide guidelines and details about each division. Each divisions offers a low-cost, low-commitment opportunity to get kids interested in hockey and allow on ice development with their hockey teammates.
Mini Mites: Age Recommendation: 4 and under (anyone interested in learning hockey is welcome!)
The Mini Mites offer a safe learning environment for children who have yet to gain any or minimal hockey experience. This level focuses on the basics of skating and hockey, creating a strong foundation for solid technical skills in the future. We utilize fun methods of learning, such as obstacle courses on the rink to practice and strengthen the basics of skating. No checking is allowed at this level to keep our players safe and comfortable as they learn these new skills.
Practice times: Mini Mite practice is held once per week, usually on Sunday nights with options to adjust the night based on the rink schedule.
Mites 1: Age Recommendation: 5 - 6
Mites 1 is perfect for children who are new or already have some experience and are looking to further develop their skills. Everyone in Mites 1 would be improving their skating skills and ready to continue with stick and puck handling learning the basics of hockey. Players at this level learn how to handle the stick and puck movement on the ice and taking shots at the goal. The development is at a basic skill level and there is no checking allowed to keep a safe hockey environment.
Practice times: 2 nights per week depending on ice availability and rink schedule. The players are introduced to informal games and tournaments in the local area. There are 3 - 4 weekend Jamborees throughout the season. Games are half-rink with no goalies or scorekeeping.
Mites 2: Age Recommendation: 7 - 9
Mites 2 is for players who have continued the basics and need to keep building on this foundation. We continue practicing and reinforcing skating skills, hockey skills, and hockey concepts such as passing and shooting. This level introduces more ice time along with a higher level of skill development, the natural next step from Mites 1. To continue fostering a safe learning environment for our young hockey enthusiasts, checking is still not allowed in Mites 2.
Practice times: 2 times per week with games and tournaments in both the local area and some events outside of Duluth. The Mites 2 group attends 3 - 4 weekend Jamborees throughout the season. Games are half-rink with no scorekeeping, and goalies are introduced.
The hockey development continues at the Squirt level. This division is based on the city model and the players would be coordinated with the DAHA organization for the skill and team levels.