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Hockey Reimbursement and Gear

The $250 Reimbursement

Yes, the $250 reimbursement is listed and there is nothing misleading. As a new hockey player, the Glen Avon Hockey Club will reimburse those first year players that provide a recipe for hockey gear up to $250. Please make a copy of the receipt and provide the copy to the President of the Board and the President will work with the board to have a check issued to the individual submitting the receipt. This program is to support hockey and open to all players in the Duluth area. 

Hockey Details

There are a variety of details that contribute to the overall hockey experience. Registration, gear, practices, and many other details are needed as they pertain to your hockey experience. Please refer back to the website for any questions or reach out to board members to help you navigate your hockey journey. A key detail to start your hockey experience is Hockey Gear or Hockey Equipment.

Hockey Equipment/Gear

There are many items that are needed in order to safely participate in hockey. The details for the gear are provided, along with a general description of each item.

Helmet - The helmet has a few basic details for consideration. For a new hockey player or growing child, there are helpful options to helmets like settings or adjustments to expand for a growing child. Also, for outdoor hockey games, it can be useful for the helmet to adjust and expand for liners that can be used to keep warm. Another key detail is to have a helmet with a wire faceguard.

Shoulder Pads - The shoulder pads provide protection around the shoulders, chest, and back. Typically, the shoulder pads will extend close to the breezes or hockey pants.

Elbow Pads - The elbow pads are a basic piece of equipment that covers and protects the elbows. These pads help with any falls on the ice and are added protection during hockey play.

Hockey Gloves - The gloves are a helpful piece of equipment that provide protection for fingers and hands. Gloves act as a hard outer shell to the hands and deflect stickers and pucks. 

Breezers - In some areas, breezers are called hockey pants. This part of hockey equipment has various pads on the thighs and around the hips. The breezers allow for movement while providing protection. Also, breezers extend from the waist to the knee area.

Hockey Equipment Checklist

Knee/Shin Guards - The shin guards are typically the pieces of equipment that cover the knee and extend just above the ankle. There are various types that will cover more of the leg based on the fit and style.

Skates - Hockey skates are definitely required for the sport. There can be a wide range and variety of hockey skates. As you start a key detail is something that will allow the player to get on the ice and navigate for skating purposes. 

Skate Guards - The skate guards are a great option that allow protection for the skate blades. In addition to the protection, the skate guards allow for the players to wear their skates and walk on surfaces that could damage or mar the skate blades. 

Hockey Stick - The hockey stick is another key item for new hockey players. A good option for many new players is a hockey stick that does not have a curve. As a player develops they will naturally develop a side that is comfortable as they advance to the next hockey stick. 

Additional Hockey Gear Items

There are additional items that are needed for hockey gear considerations. For example, there would be a need to have undergarments that help with the safety and would be in addition to the basic hockey equipment items. 

Hockey Shirt with Neck Guard - This item is basically a long-sleeved shirt or compression shirt that fits under the shoulder pads. The best option is to purchase a shirt that has a built-in neck guard for added protection. 

Hockey Shorts - The shorts are best when they have a protective Jock/Jill strap that will protect the groin area. These protective items are helpful with young players for errand pucks and sticks. The shorts typically have a Velcro attachment for the hockey shin socks.

Hockey Socks - There are two types of socks to consider. The first pair of socks are those on the feet. These can be extra padded socks for the skates. Usually, the socks will extend to the shin so the shin pads would sit on the socks. Also, there are socks that extend over the shin pads and attach to the hockey shorts. These are used to keep the shin guards in place.

Hockey Jersey - As the season starts there would be a need to have a hockey jersey for the practices and getting started. This item covers the chest protector and elbow pads. Once the season begins there will be an issued practice and game jerseys. 

Hockey Bag - The hockey bag for the first few years is typically for the parents to carry hockey gear. There are a few factors to consider. In the first year or two, the hockey gear is small and fits in a smaller bag. After a couple of years, the player grows and the gear gets larger. It might be best to start with a medium-sized bag and then evaluate the next bag size after a couple of years.